nikoniko Cookie Policy (Version 3.2 – 09. December 2022)

Below you will find information about how nikoniko Bank 500 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814 and its affiliates (hereinafter ‘nikoniko’, ‘we’) use cookies and other similar technologies on our websites.

This Cookie Policy will be updated from time to time and is accessible at any time on the nikoniko websites.

For the purpose of this Cookie Policy, the term cookie refers to cookies as well as similar technologies such as pixels (hereinafter ‘Cookie(s)’).

What are Cookies & why do we use Cookies?

Cookies are technologies used to store and read information from devices such as computers and mobile devices. Cookies are typically used in order to make websites function, or function more efficiently. Without Cookies, every website is simply losing its memory every time you visit a new page and open up the website again. Websites wouldn’t remember who you are and what you did or what your preferences are. This can be fairly complicated as much of the user experience you are used to enjoying on the internet when browsing would cease to exist. Without this memory we, for example, couldn't log you in as we’d forget who you are. Or we couldn’t show you the right language settings because we wouldn’t know where you are coming from. All these useful functionalities which make websites so enjoyable wouldn’t be available.

Not using Cookies also means that your usage behavior can’t be analyzed. Some websites use Cookies to remember what you do on their website, and to target ads at you. At first glance, that sounds bad from a user perspective, but as Cookies also remember what you like, or what you don’t like, there will be no advertising - or at least less advertising - that you’re not interested in. Another scenario is that Cookies will be used to determine via which of our marketing partners you landed on our websites, or signed up to a bank account. If you click on an ad on another website, websites use Cookies to let the website operator know that you’re coming from them. Cookies aren’t automatically good or bad, but it’s worth understanding what you can do about them and how you can make your own decisions on your data.

At nikoniko, we use Cookies that are necessary for us to technically operate our websites. Additional Cookies are used by our partners and us to process information related to your device (e.g. unique identifiers (of your browser etc.), IP addresses) as well as data related to your interaction with our ads across the internet and your usage of our websites. Please find detailed information in section II. below.